悉尼科技大学 (UTS)


Authority to submit an Online Application

- 请用英文输入信息
如果您的年龄低于 18 岁,则此表格必须由您的父母填写。

AAET-StudyCo - Iran - Tehran

Iliad International Pty Ltd,
Negar Tower, Negar Alley, Vanak Sq., -Valiasr Ave.
Tehran 1969833111
T: +98 21 83870; +98 21 88207078; +98 21 88207079; +98 21 42349000
F: +98 21 88674604
Email: iran@studyco.com
Website: http://www.studyco.com



Please note to process your application your passport MUST have a Holder's Signature matching the signature on this form. 

It is strongly recommended that the passport be valid for at least six months

The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) offers to supply our services to you according to the terms and conditions contained in this document. In this respect we need your consent to do certain things on your behalf, and to pass on the information you give us to certain people or organisations for the reasons we explain below. Please read the following carefully, and if you agree with what we have asked, tick the box to accept these terms and conditions. If you have any questions about the contents of this document, please do not accept but mail reps@uts.edu.au or seek independent advice.

Unless otherwise indicated, copyright in the content of this website is the property of UTS. The site may also include content whose copyright belongs to third-parties and which has been lawfully included in this site by agreement or specific licence. All content is protected by Australian copyright law and, by virtue of international treaties, equivalent copyright laws in other countries. You may for your own, noncommercial purposes view or make copies of material contained on the site, but content should not be systematically downloaded and/or stored in any form whatsoever, and under no circumstances should any content be reproduced and made separately available online.

UTS complies with Australian privacy laws and guidelines and treats information it collects as confidential. Information supplied by you will only be used for the administrative or educational purposes of the University or in accordance with the specific consent given by you. We may from time to time review and amend this Privacy Policy. All information held by UTS will be governed by the most recently updated Privacy Policy. UTS will not make available to a third party any personal information supplied by you unless required or permitted by law, unless you have provided consent for UTS to do so. The University may distribute aggregated statistical information for statutory reporting purposes but only in a form that will not identify any person, including you, individually. If you would like to verify the type of information we will hold about you, or if you have any general privacy concerns, please mail reps@uts.edu.au

When you visit this site the server makes a record of your visit and logs the following information:
• your browser's internet address;
• the date and time of your visit to the site;
• the pages you accessed and documents downloaded;
• the previous site visited;
• the type of browser you are using; and
• the username entered if accessing a restricted site.

This information is used for statistical purposes and for system administration tasks to maintain this service. No attempt is made to identify individuals or their browsing activities as part of regular business practices however in the unlikely event of an investigation, UTS, a law enforcement agency or other government agency may exercise its legal authority to inspect the server's logs.

If at any stage you provide us with your email address either as part of a message or by completing a web form, we will only use your email address for the purposes for which it was provided. We will not subscribe your email address to any mailing list without your consent. External sites that are linked to or from this site are generally not under our control or responsibility and you are advised to review their privacy statements.

The University strives to keep information on this website up to date, but does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information. UTS reserves the right to make changes to any material on the site at any time without notice, including but not limited to details relating programs, admissions, fees and services. Web links from this site to external, non-University websites should not be construed as implying any relationship with and/or endorsement of the external site or its content by UTS, nor any commercial or other relationship with the owners of such site. The University accepts no liability for any loss or damage a person suffers because that person has directly or indirectly relied on any information stored on this website.

a. You agree that:
i. All information you supply will be complete, accurate and truthful;
ii. Any essay questions or other written statements required from you as part of any application process will be completed by you alone;
iii. You will directly notify UTS (or its educational representative) immediately, should any information you give us cease to be complete, accurate and truthful;
iv. You will only use our system for the purpose of applying to study at UTS. This includes not doing anything to interfere with the functioning of our system or other applications within the system; and
v. You will not take any steps to reverse engineer, decompile, translate, disassemble or discover the source code of all or part of the software behind the system.
b. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy and truthfulness of all information that you give to us.
c. You understand that if you do not supply all of the details we ask of you, we may not be able to process your application.
d. If you are offered and accept a place in a program, you undertake to obey the Rules, Regulations, Statutes and Ordinances of UTS, and to ensure payment of all fees and other liabilities for the program you apply to. You understand that you are solely responsible for paying any applicable fees or other liabilities involved in applying to or undertaking the program you choose.
e. You agree to receiving communications from UTS via email.

a. You acknowledge that UTS:
i. Cannot promise that the web site used to submit your application will operate errorfree, or that the web site and its server are free of computer viruses or other harmful mechanisms;
ii. Accept no responsibility for the security or integrity of any information sent to UTS over the internet or by other electronic means;
b. In any event, to the extent permitted by law, UTS shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the supply of our services to you or the products used to supply those services, whether based in contract, tort or any other legal theory, and regardless of any notice we have given about the possibility of such damage.
c. If any legislation implies terms into the supply of our services that cannot be excluded, then our liability for breach of those terms is limited to supplying our services to you again.

The laws of the state of NSW shall apply to these terms, conditions and consents.
I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions contained on this form, and I give the consents which have been sought in this form, including consent to deal with my personal information in the ways described in this form.

Please select the following documents in pdf format with a maximum size of 4 MB.

“United Education Group Pty Ltd 是 Studyinaustralia.tv、Studyenglishinaustralia.com 和 Mycoursefinder.com 的所有者,致力于为您提供优质服务。本政策概述了我们在如何管理您的个人信息方面对您持续承担的义务信息。

我们已采用《1988 年隐私法》(联邦)(《隐私法》)中包含的澳大利亚隐私原则 (APP)。这些应用程序管理我们收集、使用、披露、存储、保护和处置您的个人信息的方式。

可以从澳大利亚信息专员办公室网站 www 获取《澳大利亚隐私原则》的副本.oaic.gov.au.



这些个人信息的获取方式有多种,包括通过采访、通信、电话、电子邮件、通过联合教育集团网站、媒体和出版物、其他公开来源、cookie 和第三方。我们不保证网站链接或授权第三方的政策。






• 用于获取该信息的主要目的 • 用于与主要目的直接相关的次要目的 • 经您同意;或法律要求或授权的情况。







• 您同意使用或披露的第三方;以及 • 法律要求或授权的情况下。



当您的个人信息不再用于其获取目的时,我们将采取合理措施销毁或永久消除您的个人信息的身份识别信息。但是,大部分个人信息已经或将会存储在客户文件中,我们将保留该文件至少 7 年。
















这些使用条款适用于 United Education Group Pty Ltd(“United Education Group”)拥有的 myCourseFinder.com、StudyinAustralia.tv 和 StudyEnglishinAustralia.com 网站(统称为“网站”)。通过访问和使用任何网站,即表示您同意受这些使用条款的约束,这些条款构成您与联合教育集团之间具有法律约束力的协议。






网站上的所有材料,包括文本、图形、图像和声音,均受 1968 年版权法(联邦)和其他国家/地区法律的版权保护。未经联合教育集团授权,禁止未经授权使用、更改、复制或传播本材料。网站上出现的商标是其各自所有者的财产。未经联合教育集团或相关商标所有者明确授权,禁止未经授权使用这些商标。








联合教育集团对因使用本网站而造成的任何损害不承担任何责任,即使已被告知发生此类损害的可能性。使用本网站的风险由您自行承担,在法律允许的范围内,联合教育集团对因使用本网站而造成的任何其他损失的责任仅限于名义金额 2 澳元。




向联合教育集团的社交网络、网站和其他媒体(“用户生成的网站”)提交内容,即表示您同意受这些使用条款的约束。您确认您已年满 18 岁,并且您拥有或有权使用该内容。您授予联合教育集团及其附属公司无限期使用您的内容的权利。



