Major Changes in Australia's Migration Rules: Essential Insights as of 1st July 2023

Monday 30 October 2023
Australia's Migration Reforms: Key Insights for 2023
Major Changes in Australia's Migration Rules: Essential Insights as of 1st July 2023

Major Changes in Australia's Migration Rules: Essential Insights as of 1st July 2023

If you're eyeing a move to Australia or are in the midst of your migration journey, there have been significant policy shifts as of 1st July 2023 that you need to be aware of. Here's an SEO-optimised breakdown of the seven pivotal changes:

1. A Jump in the Income Threshold for Skilled Migration
A notable increase has been made in the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT), which now stands at $70,000, a significant rise from the earlier $53,900. This is in line with the government's objective to ensure that skilled migrants have a satisfactory income to sustain themselves.

2. Updates for Work & Holiday Makers
Papua New Guinea (PNG) joins the Work and Holiday Maker Program, allowing 100 PNG citizens to apply for a subclass 462 visa after completing two years of tertiary study.

For UK aspirants, the age limit for subclass 417 visas now extends to 35 years, increasing opportunities for longer adventures in Australia.

A crucial reintroduction, Condition 8547, limits Work and Holiday Makers from working with one employer for over six months.

3. Spike in Visa Application Charges
Effective 1st July, there's a revision in Visa application charges with a general increase of 6% over the CPI. For an easy overview of the popular subclasses and their updated fees, refer to the department's website.

4. Direct Route to Australian Citizenship for Kiwis
From 1st July, New Zealand citizens who've stayed in Australia for over four years on a subclass 444 visa can apply directly for Australian citizenship, rendering the Subclass 189 (NZ Stream) obsolete.

5. Reintroduction of Work Restrictions for Students
Student visa holders will be restricted to 48 work hours every fortnight. However, those working in the aged care sector have been exempted from this limitation until the end of 2023.

6. Extended Stay Perks for Certain Subclass 485 Visa Holders
International students from select fields, like healthcare and engineering, will see an increase in their post-study stay duration based on their degree.

7. Changes in Occupation & Skills Assessment for the Graduate Work Stream
For applications post-1st July, a qualification relevant to an occupation on the MLTSSL list and a skills assessment in the nominated role will be mandatory.

Looking Forward: Australia's Migration Landscape
With the commencement of this fiscal year, Australia's migration rules are evolving rapidly. An allocation of 30,375 visa places for the Skilled Independent visa for 2023-24 underscores the country's intent to tap into global talent.

The landscape of skilled migration is poised for further changes. With the government hinting at tweaking the points calculator for skilled visas, the criteria may soon be more stringent.

Additionally, potential changes in employer sponsorship rules suggest a flexible job market. The possibility of achieving permanent residency post two years of sponsorship and a longer window to find a new sponsor showcase a proactive stance to aid skilled workers.

At United Education Group Pty Ltd, we're dedicated to guiding you every step of the way. For a more detailed discussion on your visa prospects, reach out to us or book a consultation.

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