Midwifery and Nursing Professionals (ANZSCO 254)

Tuesday 7 November 2023

Midwifery and Nursing Professionals play a crucial role in providing care and support to various individuals, including mothers and their babies, the elderly, and patients with physical and mental illnesses. They work in a range of settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, medical centers, and the community. These professionals not only provide direct patient care but also contribute to the clinical education of midwives and nurses, conduct research in nursing practice, and manage health service units and sub-units.

Indicative Skill Level:

In Australia and New Zealand, Midwifery and Nursing Professionals are considered to have a high level of skill, typically requiring a bachelor's degree or higher qualification. In some cases, relevant experience and on-the-job training may be necessary in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Tasks Include:

  • Assisting in examining patients, administering prescribed treatments, monitoring patients' progress, and collaborating with patients' families, caregivers, and the community to develop lifestyle options and treatment plans.
  • Evaluating the ongoing educational needs of nurses and developing appropriate syllabus structures.
  • Directing and managing the allocation of human and material resources within a health service unit, which may involve tasks such as recruitment, human resource management, budgeting, and financial management.
  • Providing comprehensive care and management during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Undertaking and promoting nursing and interdisciplinary research projects, as well as facilitating the implementation of research findings into clinical nursing practice and patient management.


Within the field of Midwifery and Nursing Professionals, there are several specific subcategories:

  • 2541 Midwives: Professionals specializing in providing care and support to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period.
  • 2542 Nurse Educators and Researchers: Professionals involved in educating and training nurses, as well as conducting research to advance nursing practice.
  • 2543 Nurse Managers: Professionals responsible for overseeing and managing nursing staff, resources, and operations within a healthcare facility.
  • 2544 Registered Nurses: Professionals who provide general nursing care, including assessing patient needs, planning and implementing care plans, and evaluating patient outcomes.

Midwifery and Nursing Professionals play a vital role in the Australian healthcare system, ensuring the well-being and quality of care for individuals across various stages of life and health conditions. Their expertise and dedication contribute significantly to the overall health and welfare of the community.

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