Nutrition Professionals (ANZSCO 2511)

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Nutrition Professionals play a crucial role in applying the science of human nutrition to improve people's health and prevent and treat various illnesses and diseases. By understanding the relationship between food and health, they help individuals make appropriate dietary choices to achieve and maintain optimal well-being.

Indicative Skill Level:

In Australia and New Zealand, Nutrition Professionals are required to have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor's degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1). In New Zealand, registration or licensing is also required for practicing in this field.

Tasks Include:

  • Planning diets and menus, and providing instructions on the importance of diet and the planning and preparation of food
  • Collecting, organizing, and assessing data related to the health and nutritional status of individuals, groups, and communities
  • Interpreting and communicating scientific information, providing advice, education, and professional opinions to individuals, groups, and communities
  • Monitoring food intake and quality to provide nutritional care
  • Calculating nutritional values of food served
  • Planning, conducting, and evaluating nutrition intervention programs and creating educational materials
  • Providing nutrition assessments, nutrition management, and nutrition education, research, and training
  • Consulting with other Health Professionals and related workers to manage the dietary and nutritional needs of patients


  • 251111 Dietitian
  • 251112 Nutritionist

251111 Dietitian

Dietitians utilize their knowledge of human nutrition to help individuals understand the connection between food and health. They assist in making appropriate dietary choices to achieve and maintain optimal health, as well as prevent and treat illnesses and diseases. In New Zealand, registration or licensing is required to practice as a Dietitian.

Skill Level: 1

251112 Nutritionist

Nutritionists integrate, disseminate, and apply knowledge from relevant sciences to enhance the positive effects of food on the health and well-being of human populations. They play a vital role in promoting healthy eating habits and improving overall health.

Skill Level: 1

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