Land Economists and Valuers (ANZSCO 2245)

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Land Economists and Valuers play a crucial role in providing advice on the administration and use of land and property, as well as assessing the value of various assets such as land, property, commercial equipment, and objects of art. These professionals are highly skilled and typically hold a bachelor's degree or higher qualification in their field. In some cases, relevant experience and on-the-job training may also be required to complement their formal education.

Tasks performed by Land Economists and Valuers include providing advice on land and property financing and valuation matters, conducting research on the administration and use of land and property, developing sales and leasing proposals for commercial land and property, offering asset management services, analyzing land and property investments, managing land and property portfolios, and overseeing commercial property developments.

One of the key responsibilities of Land Economists and Valuers is to calculate the value of various assets. This involves considering market demand, the condition of the items, future trends, and other relevant factors. They also examine properties, select appropriate valuation methods, and provide written assessments. Additionally, these professionals may be required to give evidence in legal proceedings, mediate on valuation matters, and provide rental determinations for arbitration purposes.

There are two specific occupations within the Land Economists and Valuers category. The first is the Land Economist (ANZSCO 224511), who specializes in providing advice on the administration and use of land and property. They may also work as Asset Managers for land and property portfolios. The second occupation is the Valuer (ANZSCO 224512), who assesses the value of land, property, commercial equipment, merchandise, personal effects, household goods, and objects of art. It's important to note that registration or licensing may be required for both these occupations.

Land Economists and Valuers are vital professionals in the field of property and land management. Their expertise and knowledge contribute to efficient decision-making processes related to land and property transactions, financing, and valuation. Their work ensures fair and accurate assessments of assets, which is crucial for legal and financial purposes.

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